
DILG Region I Disclosures Compliance with Sec. 93 (Transparency Seal) R.A. No. 10155 (General Appropriations Act FY 2012)

1.      The agency's mandates and functions, names of its officials with their position and designation, and contact information

         a. DILG Region 1 Executive Profile

         b. DILG Region 1 Citizens' Charter

         c. Powers and Functions

         d. Mission, Vision, and Mandate

         e. Goals and Objectives

         f.  Key Officials, designations and contact information

         g. DILG Region 1 Creed

         h. DILG Region 1 CSO Partners 

2.      Annual Reports

      A. Annual Financial Reports

          a.     Statement of Appropriations, Allotments, Obligations, Disbursements and Balances (SAAOBDB) FAR No.1 as of December 2014

                   Annual Physical Report of Operations / Physical Plan - BAR No. 1 as of December 2014

          b.     Statement of Appropriations, Allotments, Obligations, Disbursements and Balances (SAAOBDB) FAR No.1 as of December 2015

                   Annual Physical Report of Operations / Physical Plan - BAR No. 1 as of December 2015

          c.     Statement of Appropriations, Allotments, Obligations, Disbursements and Balances (SAAOBDB) FAR No.1 as of December 2016

                   Annual Physical Report of Operations / Physical Plan - BAR No. 1 as of December 2016

          d.     Statement of Appropriations, Allotments, Obligations, Disbursements and Balances (SAAOBDB) FAR No.1 as of December 2017

                   Annual Physical Report of Operations / Physical Plan - BAR No. 1 as of December 2017

          e.     Statement of Appropriations, Allotments, Obligations, Disbursements and Balances (SAAOBDB) FAR No.1 as of December 2018

                 Annual Physical Report of Operations / Physical Plan - BAR No. 1 as of December 2018

    B. Narrative Reports 

        a.      Region 1 Annual Report 2009

        b.      Region 1 Annual Report 2010

        c.      Region 1 Annual Report 2011 

        d.      Region 1 Annual Report 2012 

        e.      Region 1 Annual Report 2013 

        f.       Region 1 Annual Report 2014 

        g.      Region 1 Annual Report 2015

        h.      Region 1 Annual Report 2016

        i.       Region 1 Annual Report 2017

        j.       Region 1 Narrative Report 2018 (1st Semester)

        k.      Region 1 Narrative Report 2018 (2nd Semester)

        l.      Region 1 Annual Report 2019

        m.    Region 1 Annual Report 2020

   C. Statement of Allotment, Obligations and Balances 

        a.  FY 2010

        b.  FY 2011

        c.  FY 2012

        d.  FY 2013

        e.  FY 2014

        f.   FY 2015

        g.  FY 2016

        h.  FY 2017

        h.  FY 2018

         i.  FY 2019

         i. FY 2020

         j.  FY 2021

         k.  FY 2022

         l.  FY 2023

         l.  FY 2024

   D. Disbursement 

       a. FY 2012 - January - September 2012

       b. FY 2012 - October - December 2012

       c. FY 2013

       d. FY 2014

       e. FY 2015

       f.  FY 2016

       g. FY 2017

       h. FY 2018

       i.  FY 2019

       j.  FY 2020

       j.  FY 2021

       k.  FY 2022

   E. Physical and Financial Plan 

       a. Region 1 OPB 2010

       b. Region 1 OPB 2011

       c. Region 1 OPB 2012

       d. Region 1 OPB 2013

       e. Region 1 OPB 2014

       f.  Region 1 OPB 2015

       g. Region 1 OPB 2016

       h. Region 1 OPB 2017

        i. Region 1 OPB 2018

   F. Cash Program 

       a. FY 2010

       b. FY 2011

       c. FY 2012

       d. FY 2013

       e. FY 2014

       f.  FY 2015

       g. FY 2016

       h. FY 2017

       i.  FY 2018

       i.  FY 2019

       j.  FY 2020

       k. FY 2021

       l.  FY 2022

   F. Budget and Financial Accountability Reports

        a. FY 2021

        b. FY 2022

                > 1ST QUARTER

                > 2ND QUARTER

                > 3RD QUARTER

                > 4TH QUARTER

3.      DILG Region 1 Approved Budgets and Corresponding Targets

·         DILG Region 1 Annual Budget 2010-2012

·         DILG Region 1 Annual Budget 2013

·         DILG Region 1 Annual Budget 2014 

·         DILG Region 1 Annual Budget 2015

·         DILG Region 1 Final OPB CY 2010

·         DILG Region 1 Final OPB CY 2011 

·         DILG Region 1 Final OPB CY 2012 

·         DILG Region 1 Final OPB CY 2013 

·         DILG Region 1 Final OPB CY 2014 

·         DILG Region 1 Final OPB CY 2015 

·         DILG Region 1 Final OPB CY 2016

·         DILG Region 1 Final OPB CY 2017

       ·         DILG Region 1 Budget for FY 2018

       ·         DILG Region 1 GAA performance targets for FY 2018


4.    Major programs and projects categorized in accordance with the five key results areas under E.O. No. 43, s. 2011 

       ·       Major Programs and Projects CY 2012 

       ·       Major Programs and Projects CY 2013 

       ·       Major Programs and Projects CY 2014

       ·       Major Programs and Projects CY 2015-2016

       ·       Major Programs and Projects CY 2017

       ·       Major Programs and Projects CY 2018

5.    The program/projects beneficiaries as identified in the applicable special provisions 

       ·       Local Government Support Fund-Assistance to Municipalities Detailed Project Status as of February 10, 2018

       ·       2016 Status of DILG Region I Projects BUB, SALINTUBIG and PCF 

       ·       2015 Status of Locally Funded-Project 

       ·       Performance Challenge Fund as of August 2015 

       ·       2014 Status of DILG Projects - PCF, GPBP, SALINTUBIG 

       ·       Sagana at Ligtas na Tubig sa Lahat

       ·       2013 Bottom-Up Budgeting 

6.    Status of implementation and program/project evaluation and/or assessment reports 

       ·         DILG Region 2012 1st Semester Statistical Report 

       ·         DILG Region 2012 2nd Semester Statistical Report 

       ·         DILG Region 2013  Statistical Report 

       ·         DILG Region 2014  Statistical Report 

       ·         DILG Region 2015  Statistical Report

        ·        DILG Region 2016  Statistical Report

        ·        DILG Region 2017  Statistical Report

        ·        DILG Region 2018  Statistical Report

7.      Annual Procurement Plan

Ø  APP 2011 

Ø  APP 2012 

Ø  APP 2013 

Ø  APP 2014 

Ø  APP 2015 

Ø  APP 2016 

Ø  APP 2018 Commonly-Used Supplies and Equipment (CSE)

Ø  APP 2018

                    Ø  APP 2019 NON-CSE for CY2019 OF DILG REGIONAL OFFICE 1 for PBB

                    Ø  APP 2019 CSE for CY2019 OF DILG REGIONAL OFFICE 1 for PBB

                    Ø  APP 2020 CSE for CY2020 OF DILG REGIONAL OFFICE 1 for PBB

                    Ø  APP 2020 NON-CSE for CY2020 OF DILG REGIONAL OFFICE 1 for PBB


                    Ø  APP 2020


                    Ø  APP 2021 CSE for CY2021 OF DILG REGIONAL OFFICE 1 for PBB

                    Ø  APP 2021

                    Ø  APP CSE for CY 2022 OF  DILG REGION 1 FOR PBB

                    Ø  DILG R1 Indicative Annual Procurement Plan (APP) FY 2022

                    Ø  APP 2022

                    Ø  UPDATED APP 2022

                    Ø  INDICATIVE FY 2023 APP-NONCSE

                    Ø  DILG R1  Annual Procurement Plan (APP) FY 2023

                      Ø  DILG R1  Annual Procurement Plan (APP) FY 2024 (Indicative)  

                    Ø  DILG R1  Annual Procurement Plan (APP) FY 2024 as of March 15, 2024     

                    Ø  DILG R1  Annual Procurement Plan (APP) FY 2024 as of April 17, 2024                                 Ø 

Supplemental Annual Procurement Plan  


                   Ø Supplemental APP dated June 11, 2024

                   Ø Supplemental APP dated June 7, 2024

                   Ø Supplemental APP dated June 6, 2024

                   Ø Supplemental APP dated June 4, 2024

                   Ø Supplemental APP dated June 3, 2024

                   Ø Supplemental APP dated May 31, 2024

                   Ø Supplemental APP dated May 28, 2024

                   Ø Supplemental APP dated May 27, 2024

                   Ø Supplemental APP dated May 20, 2024

                   Ø Supplemental APP Procurement of Meals and Accommodation for 2024 1sr Quarter Policy Dialogue

                   Ø Supplemental APP Procurement of Apri 2, 2024

                   Ø Supplemental APP Procurement of Apri 3, 2024

                   Ø Supplemental APP Procurement of Apri 4, 2024

                   Ø Supplemental APP Procurement of Apri 5, 2024

                   Ø Supplemental APP Procurement of May 7, 2024


     Ø Supplemental APP Procurement of ICT Equipment in Support to Server Administration 

     Ø Supplemental APP Procurement of DILG R1 Office Furnitures and Fixtures 


                      Ø Supplemental APP Construction of DILG Ilocos Norte PO


                      Ø Supplemental APP Medical Supplies for Contact Tracer 2nd Month Requirement

    Ø Supplemental APP Printing of IEC Materials 


                      Ø Supplemental APP No.1

                      Ø Supplemental APP No.2

                      Ø Supplemental APP No.3

                      Ø Supplemental APP No.4

                      Ø Supplemental APP No.5

                      Ø Supplemental APP No.6

                      Ø Supplemental APP No.7

                      Ø Supplemental APP No.8

                      Ø Supplemental APP No.9

                      Ø Supplemental APP No.10

                      Ø Supplemental APP No.11

                      Ø Supplemental APP No.12

                      Ø Supplemental APP No.13

                     Ø Supplemental APP No.14

                     Ø Supplemental APP No.15

                     Ø Supplemental APP No.16

                     Ø Supplemental APP No. 31

       Procurement Monitoring Report

                    Ø  January to June 2018

                    Ø  July to December 2018

                    Ø  January to June 2019

                    Ø  July to December 2020

                    Ø  January to June 2021

                    Ø  July to December 2021

                    Ø  January to June 2022

                    Ø  July to December 2022

                    Ø  January to June 2023

                    Ø  July to December 2023


                        Certification of Undertaking/Non-Undertaking of Early ProcurementCertification of Undeitaking/Non-Undertaking of Early ProcurementActivities (EPA)

8.    DILG People's Freedom o Information (FOI)

        a. 2019 FOI Report

       b. 2017-2019 FOI Report

       c. DILG People's Freedom of Information (FOI) Manual

9.     DILG Region 1 Quality Management System ISO 9001:2015 



  Ø  QP-DILG-NBOO-RO-01- Processing of Barangay Officials Death and Burial Assistance (BODBA) for Fund Allocation by the Department of Budget and Management (DBM)

   Ø  QP-DILG-BLGS-RO-04-Issuance of Full Disclosure Policy (FDP) Compliance Certificate

   Ø  QP-DILG-BLGS-RO-05-Issuance of Department Authorization to Utilize Additional Confidential Funds of LGUs

   Ø  QP-DILG-BLGS-RO-06-Issuance of Certificate for Service Rendered by Local/Barangay Official for Application for CSC Eligibility

   Ø  QP-DILG-AS-RO-09-Learning and Development

   Ø  QP-DILG-AS-RO-10-Procurement, Inspections, Acceptance and Issuance of Goods and Services

   Ø  QP-DILG-AS-RO-11-Evaluation of Supplier/Service Provider’s Performance

   Ø  QP-DILG-AS-RO-12-Provision of Vehicular Support Service

   Ø  QP-DILG-AS-RO-13-Maintenance of Vehicles

   Ø  QP-DILG-AS-RO-14-Management of Facilities

   Ø  QP-DILG-AS-RO-15-Records Management

   Ø  QP-DILG-FMS-RO-16-Processing and Payment of Claims

   Ø  QP-RO1-ORD-11 Public Assistance and Complaints Handling Services

   Ø  QP-RO1-LGCDDD-12 Provision of Technical Assistance thru Training/Coaching

   Ø  QP-RO1-LGCDD-13 Lupong Tagapamayapa Incentives Awards (LTIA) Assessment

   Ø  QP-RO1-LGCDD-14 Review of Local Government Unit (LGU) Gender and Development (GAD) Plan and Budget)

   Ø  QP-RO1-ORD 15- Rendition of Legal Opinion

   Ø  QP-RO1-ORD-16 Locally-Funded Projects (LFP) Progress Monitoring

   Ø  QP-DILG-ISTMS-RO-17 - Provision of Preventive Maintenance and Technical Assistance on Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Resources

   Ø  QP-DILG-LLLS-RO-18-Rendition of Legal Opinion

   Ø  QP-DILG-LLLS-RO-19-Document Review and Provision of Comments/Recommendations

   Ø  QP-DILG-LLLS-RO-20-Implementation of Ombudsman, Sandiganbayan, COMELEC Decision/Orders/Resolution

   Ø  QP-DILG-LLLS-RO-21-Preparation of Position Paper/Comments on Congressional Measures

   Ø  QP-DILG-PACS-RO-22-Provision of Public Assistance and Complaints Handling

   Ø  QP-DILG-CO-RO-23-Provision of Technical Assistance

   Ø  QP-RO1-LGMED-24 Monitoring and Evaluation of Local Government Unit (LGU) Compliance to Local Government Policies

   Ø  QP-DILG-BLGD-24-Management and Operation of the Seal of Good Local Governance Incentive Funds (SGLGIF)

                    C. DILG R1 System Procedures

D. Management Review Minutes

E. Certification on the Conduct of Internal Quality Control Audit

                    F. Certificate of Registration (DILG Region I) ISO9001:2015

10. Agency Review and Compliance Procedure of Statement and Financial Disclosures/SALN

                        A.  DO No. 2019-638 Amendment to DO No. 2018-285 dated March 26, 2018, on the Creation of the Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Net Worth (SALN) Review and Compliance Committees for the Central and Regional Offices

                        B.  DO No. 2018-285 Creation of the Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Net Worth (SALN) Review and Compliance Committees for the Central Office and Regional Offices (Including Review Procedure)

                        C.  Regional Order No. 2014-027 Reorganization of DILG R1 Review and Compliance Committee on SALN

                        D. Summary of DILG R1 personnel that their SALN

                             a. CY 2019   

                             b. CY 2020

                             c. CY 2021   

                             c. CY 2022     

11. Contracts Awarded

                 Ø  Procurement of Meals and Accommodation Training re Training on WDP-LIICProcurement of Meals and Accommodation Training re Training on WDP-LIIC

                 Ø  Procurement of Meals and Accommodation Training re LGMED BADAC Functionality

                 Ø  Procurement of Meals and Accommodation Training re LGMED POC Post Eval, EODB, SGLG Calibration

                 Ø  Procurement of Meals and Accommodation Training re PDMU Augmentation of Supplies

                 Ø  Procurement of Meals and Accommodation Training re Training re EODB Compliance

                 Ø  Procurement of Meals and Accommodation Training re Future Proofed Local Infra Governance (NOA, NTP, Contract, Reso)

                 Ø Procurement of Meals and Accommodation for the Conduct of RIDS for Enhancing LGU Capacity of CLUP Formulation

                 Ø Procurement of Meals and Accommodation for the Conduct of RIDS on SGLG Performance Indicator

                 Ø Procurement of Meals and Accommodation for the Conduct of BNEO Component 3 and 4

                 Ø Procurement of Meals and Accommodation for the Conduct of Project Uploading SGLGIF

                 Ø  Van Rental Services for the support to MEALGU

                 Ø  Procurement of Preventive Maintenance Services 80,000

                 Ø  Procurement of Meals and Venue for the Conduct of RIDS Program Interface Meeting cum TWG Planning Workshop Series

                 Ø  Procurement of Supplies for Augmentation for the Conduct of 2024 Policy Dialogue and Support to Regional Operations

                 Ø  Procurement of Meals and Venue Sustaining Project Excellence through enhanced ICT project

                 Ø  Procurement of Meals and Venue _1st Quarter Policy Dialogue

                 Ø  Procurement-of-Meals-and-Snacks-BLS-and-First-Aid-Training-Contract-NTP-NOA 

                 Ø  Procurement of Tarp, Medals, Plaques, and Marathon Bib for the Conduct of the 2024 Bida Fun Run

                 Ø  Workshop on Criteria of Subaybayani Awarding CY 2023 cum 1st Quarter Meeting

                 Ø  Van Rental to support the RLIP

                 Ø  Janitorial-Sanitation-Maintenance-and-General-Utility-Jan-2024-to-Dec-2024-NTP-Contract-NOA-BACR

                 Ø  Security-Services-for-Jan-2024-to-Dec-2024-NTP-Contract-NOA-BAC

                 Ø  Conduct of Training on Management of the Dead and Missing Person

                 Ø  Supplies and Materials for the Conduct of Implementation Review

                 Ø  Provincial Orientation of DILG FOS on LGU Capdev Agenda and encoding to OCDMS

                 Ø  Orieintation on the Drug Abuse System

                 Ø  MEals and Snacks for the Provincial Orientation of FOs on LGU CapDev Agenda

                 Ø  Materials for the Documentation of LG Governance Models for Service Delivery

                 Ø  Materials for the Conduct of Youth Camp

                 Ø  Materials for CY 2022 Subaybayani

                 Ø  Installation of Vehicle Canopy Camper Shell

                 Ø  Enhancing Capacity of Barangays on Transitioning to Full Devolution

                 Ø  Deployment of TPM for LGSF Support

                 Ø  Dagyaw 2022 Open Government Townhall Meeting

                 Ø  Construction of DILG Ilocos Norte Provincial Buiding

                 Ø  Conduct of Youth camp for HAPPY

                 Ø  Conduct of Writeshop on the Formulation of the Sub LGRRC Business Plan

                 Ø  Conduct of Wemboree

                 Ø  Conduct of Trainng Formulation of ELCCAP

                 Ø  Conduct of Training on Streamlining Buiding Permits and Certificates of Occupancy

                 Ø  Conduct of Training on Disaster Preparedenss Manual for Local Weather Disturbances

                 Ø  Conduct of Training for the Formulation of LIIC

                 Ø  Conduct of Training Bantay Korapsyon

                 Ø  Conduct of Regionmal ToT of CDP for CSOs

                 Ø  Conduct of Regionmal ToT of CDP for CSOs LU

                 Ø  Conduct of Regional ToT on the Strengthening Institutional Capacities of BADAC

                 Ø  Conduct of 2022 Subaybayani Awarding

                 Ø  AVP Production Services for the Documentation of Local Governance Models for Service Delivery

                 Ø  Van Rental to Support the RBME of LGUs Infra Project Operation

                 Ø  Meals and Accommodation for Workshop on the Encoding of Enrolled Projects under RME of RLIP Batch 1

                 Ø  Supplies for the DILG PO for NEO Orientation

                 Ø  Workshop on the Encoding of Enrolled Projects under RBME of LGU Infra (RLIP) Batch 2

                 Ø  Monitoring and Evaluation Assistance to Local Government Units (MEALGU) for CY 2022

                 Ø  Conduct of Pilot Testing of the Tool for the Assessment and Performance Benchmarking for RWASA and BWASA

                 Ø  Procurement of Meals for the Conduct of Provincial Orientation for DILG Field Officers for 2022 NEO Implementation

                 Ø  Orientation for DILG FOs on Implementation of 2022 NEO Program - Ilocos Sur

                 Ø  Conduct of Regional Planning Conference for DILG Program Managers for NEO 2022

                 Ø  LGCDD 1st Quarter Supplies

                 Ø  Conduct of Competency Assessment for Administrative Personnel

                 Ø  2nd Quarter RMC 2022

                 Ø  Conduct of SGLG Regional Calibration

                 Ø  Procurement of Two (2) Units Computer Laptop

                 Ø  Procurement of Office Supplies for Contact Tracers_Admin Use

                 Ø  Procurement of Office Supplies for Contact Tracers_Admin Use

                 Ø  Drugs and Medical Supplies for Contact Tracers of Region I 

                 Ø  Conduct of Regional Working Group Meeting for CSBP

                 Ø  Supplies for the use for Coaching and in the Formaulation of the Barangay Development Plan and CapDev Agenda for Brgys of Ilocos Sur 

                 Ø  Streamlining of LGU Systems and Procedures on Business and Non-Business-Related Services 

                    Ø  Van Rental for LFP Activities

                    Ø  Printing of IEC Materials re: Strengthen Information Campaign on Possible Emergence of Peace and Order and Public Safety Concerns 

                    Ø  LGCDD 1st and 2nd Quarter Regular Supplies

                    Ø  Follow-through Activity on Finalization of MWSSMP La Union

                    Ø  Follow-through Activity on Finalization of MWSSMP Pangasinan

                    Ø  Lanyards for Contact Tracers

                    Ø  Procurement of ICT Equipment

                    Ø  Printing of CDP Toolkit

                    Ø  Printing of IEC Materials for COVID-19

                    Ø  Medical Supplies for Contact Tracers

                    Ø  POC Office Supplies

                    Ø  Preliminary Assessment of the CDP of ICC 

                    Ø  Tshirt for DILG R1 CMLGOO conference cum Helath and Wellness Program

                    Ø  Printing Services for the Development of Federalism Materials

                    Ø  Regional Rollout on Operation Listo

                    Ø  Provincial Rollout of the Operation LISTO La Union

                    Ø  Provincial Roll out of the Operatio LISTO Pangasinan

                    Ø  Provincial Roll out of the Operation LISTO Ilocos Norte

                    Ø  Provincial Roll out of the Operation LISTO Ilocos Sur

                    Ø  DILG R1 CMLGOO Conference cum Health and Wellness Program

                    Ø  Joint LGRRC Team and MSAC 2019 1st Quarter Meeting

                    Ø  National Briefing for FOs and RFPs on the 2019 CSIS Implementation

                    Ø  RPOC 1st Qtr Meeting

                    Ø  Sustaining DILG r1 Efforts on Peace and Order and Business Friendliness cum PPA Review

                    Ø  Equipment Rental for the LFPs

                    Ø  Program Orientation on 2019 SALINTUBIG cum iWASH Governance for Luzon Cluster 1

                    Ø  Vehicle Rental for Support to Operations for the activities of RO1 Locally Funded Projects

                    Ø  2019 SGLG Regional Orientation

                    Ø  2019 SGLG Calibration

                    Ø  2019 SGLG Online Data Encoding Accommodation

                    Ø  2019 SGLG Online Data Encoding Meals and Snacks

                    Ø  2019 SGLG Implementaion Office Supplies and Materials

                    Ø  Program Managers Regional Rollout 2019_2022 NEO Program Orientation and 2018_2020 BNEO Program Updates

                    Ø  Reproduction of DILG R1 Annual Report 2018

                    Ø  Joint RDC and RPOC Meeting

                    Ø  Review of Learning & Development, Performance Management & Rewards & Recognition Policies & Systems Of DILG R1

                    Ø  Roll-out Training on AIDIS Modules

                    Ø  Enhancement Training on GIS Mapping cum Locally Funded Projects and Midyear Evaluation

                    Ø  LDC Capability Building Program

                    Ø  Training-Workshop on the Streamlining of Business Permits and Certificates of Occupancy

                    Ø  Consultative Conference with the National and Regional Teams on the 2019 PCF

                    Ø  Support to Operations for the Activities of ROI Locally Funded Projects

                    Ø  Training on Integrated Planning Course for Incident Command System

                    Ø  NEO Orientation For Newly-Elected Officials

                    Ø  Compliance Evaluation RE Quality Management System In Conformance to Iso 9001 2015 Requirements

                    Ø  Seminar Workshop on the Operations & Maintenance for Barangay Water Supply and Sanitation Asso.Managed Facility

                    Ø  Roll-out Training of the SGLGG, PCMS Application System

                    Ø  Office Supplies for the SGLGB Roll-out, PCMS Application Systems

                    Ø  Reg'l Roll-out on Institutionalizing Gender Responsive Local Governance and GAD Plan & Budget Online Monitoring Sys.

                    Ø  Orientation for the CDP TA Committee cum Workshop on the Localization of PDP 2017-2022 and SDGs

                    Ø  Furnitures and Office Equipment for the FAD

                    Ø  Seminar-workshop on RS4LG

                    Ø  Medical Supplies for Contact Tracers

Contracts Awarded (before January 2019)

Ø  2011 

Ø  2012 

Ø  2013 

Ø  2014

Ø  2015

Ø  2016

Ø  2017

Ø  2018










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