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- Written by DILG Region I
- Category: Regional Office
- Hits: 4832

The Project Development and Management Unit (PDMU) of DILG RO1 conducted the activity, Follow Through Activity on FINALIZATION OF MUNICIPAL WATER SUPPLY SANITATION AND HYGIENE MASTER PLAN which aims to deepen the understanding of the participants in the importance of proper planning, handling and management of water supply sanitation and hygiene. This will also train LGUs to complete the baseline data that will be incorporated with the Philippine Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene Plan (PWSSMP).
In her opening remarks, DILG RO1 Regional Director Julie J. Daquioag CESO III, welcomed all participants through a virtual message. She expressed her warm gratitude towards all the Municipal Planning and Development Coordinator, Municipal Engineer, Municipal Health Officer/Rural Sanitary Inspector, LGU Encoder and Municipal Local Government Operation Officer present in the event and her excitement to work with them again.
Moving on to the overview of the training, PDMU Chief Engr. Sharwyn M. Sangel, EnP presented the issues and challenges concerning the water supply and sanitation, contributing to the national and global commitments. She discussed the water sector reforms and initiatives, 8 key roles for MWSSMP, short, medium and long-term targets under the PWSSMP, investment required for the Water Supply and Sanitation (WSS) and the Roles of DILG under Water Supply and Sanitation. Also, she mentioned what the participants may expect and to look forward to during the course of the training.
The activity focuses mainly on the management of Tool 1-8 being used in conducting the assessment to household and the details that are required in the assessment data form. PDMU Engineers; Engr. Andy O. Quiaoit, Engr. Cherry U. Adriano and Engr. Jan Patriz L. Mariano took turns in explaining these tools, elaborating and giving examples in order for the participants to understand and have a broader knowledge to each of the said Tools. They also taught the participants how to input data in the assessment data forms and provided examples of LGU who already accomplished the said assessment data forms. Issues were raised after each tool was discussed and were answered by the PDMU Engineers. At the end of the training, the participants took part in the data input of the assessment data forms and presented their outputs. Participants committed to conduct their own assessment to their respective LGUs to be submitted on or before July 15, 2021. (IO II Dann Ariel S. Genese)
Seminar-Workshop on Operation and Maintenance of Barangay Water and Sanitation Association (BWSA)-Managed Facility
One of the identified priority capacity building needs under sustainability phase of the Water Service Providers is the Operations and Maintenance for Water Supply Projects. In particular, most of the Barangay Water Supply and Sanitation Association (BWSA) managed facilities are not efficiently operated and maintained because of the lack of technical and managerial expertise of barangay officials, BWSA officers and O&M Team. Therefore, the Project Development and Management Unit (PDMU) of DILG RO1 conducted a 3-day seminar- workshop entitled, Seminar-Workshop on Operation and Maintenance of Barangay Water and Sanitation Association (BWSA)-Managed Facility, that aims to enhance the capacity of the LGU Officials and Barangay Water Supply and Sanitation Association (BWSA) in operating and maintaining water supply system. Specifically, this aims to deepen their understanding in the operations and maintenance of the facility.
The activity started with a welcome remark by OIC- Provincial Director Roger P. Daquiaog. Afterwards, Engr. Andres O. Quiaoit asked the participants to introduce themselves and their expectations for the activity. PDMU Chief, Engr. Sharwyn M. Sangel presented the training overview, the methodologies to be used to optimized the learning process such as lectures, workshops, plenary and Focus group discussions. She also presented the different areas that the training will tackle for the operation and maintenance of the BWSA-Managed Facilities and utilities. The concept, and framework governing principles of Human Rights- Based Approach (HRAB) was discussed by Engr. Cristy Faye A. Gasmen of UP College of Engineering followed by Dr. Nelia P. Verzosa, the Characteristic, Roles and Functions of BWSA and Stakeholders. Ms. Elsa D. Mejia, President of Impart Waterworks and Development Company (IWADCO), discussed the HRBA-Community Organizing Process and Local Customers’ Service Code and Other BWSA Documents. The Overview of Water Supply System and Facilities, Tariff Setting and Computation, Billing and Collection and Operation and Maintenance of Water Supply System were discussed by Engr. Benjamin Q. Galvan Jr. and Engr. Eric F. Carpina, OIC- General Manager of Metro San Fernando Water District.
After each topic, training facilitators- Engr. Andres O. Quiaoit, Engr. Cherry U. Adriano and Engr. Jan Patriz L. Mariano of PDMU RO1, facilitated workshops to ensure that the participants understand and gained knowledge regarding the sustainability and maintained water supply system. Before the activity ends, participating LGUs were ask for their commitment for the activities needed to be conducted in their respective municipalities to equip their other BWSA member of the knowledge of organizing and having a sustained and strong BWSA Organization.
By: IO II Dann Ariel S. Genese
Performance review is a central part of the organizational performance management process. It is vital in supporting a culture of on-going feedback and recognition, and to achieve better business results. In many organizations, annual performance reviews are conducted for their entire workforce. However, more and more organizations are moving toward a frequent feedback performance management system done quarterly, monthly, or even weekly. When done right, performance reviews can help employees understand what they’re doing well, how they can improve, how their work aligns with larger organizational goals, and what is expected of them. With that being said, the Project Development and Management Unit (PDMU) of DILG RO1 hosted its 2021 PDMU Mid-Year Performance Review on DILG LOCAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT FUND PROJECTS which intends to diagnose the progress and performance of the Provincial teams and individual members demonstrated to date, to plan strategies for the remainder of the year to ensure the achievement of 2021 targets and to prepare workable plan for the completion of carry-over projects and submission of lacking documentary requirements.
In her opening remarks, DILG RO1 Regional Director Julie J. Daquioag welcomed the participants present and those who joined via virtual conference. She expressed her warm gratitude to all participants and acknowledged those newly hired employees as part of her welcome speech. Soon after, each provinces presented their progress, performance report, issues and concerns and their action plans for the remainder of the year. It is followed by an update to the SUBAYBAYAN status by its focal person. A workshop was facilitated by the resource speaker, Dr. Ma. Rosalinda M. Lacsamana, former DILG Regional Coordinator. Other part of the activity is the introduction of newly-joined members of PDMU and the creation of vision board which was also facilitated by Dr. Lacsamana. From the Central Office; the Unified Project Management Office (UPMO) gave an update on the Governance Reform Targets particularly LRNDP development, CapDev activities and Budget Utilization of CMGP funds were discussed via Zoom Video Conference. Also, each focal person assigned to different Locally Fund Projects (LFPs) and Capacity Development Projects gave updates to the status of each project, highlighting accomplishments and giving commitments to undergoing and pending projects. PDMU Chief Engr. Sharwyn M. Sangel, EnP gave her insights and recommendations after each presentation. This performance review activity gave the participants a clearer view on where they are and where they are heading in terms of accomplishment, and help them have a better action plan for the rest of the year 2021 through catch-up planning. (IO II Dann Ariel S. Genese)
SPO4 Juan is PNP Model Family in R1
“To be nominated in the Search for PNP Model Families is already an honor for the uniformed police officers who risk their lives to protect and serve the community.” Regional Director Evangeline R. Almirante of the National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM) emphasized this during the on-site validation conducted by the Regional Search Committee (RSC). She commended the nominees for uplifting the image of police officers as family person and partner in community development.
The Search highlights family values, work ethics, and involvement in activities that promote positive changes in the community. It advocates the capability of police officers as partners in maintaining peace and order towards a more progressive socioeconomic system. It is open to all uniformed members of the PNP with legitimate or legally adopted child/children, legally married and living together with his/her spouse for at least five (5) years, and has been in the police service for at least five (5) years at the time of the Search.
After much deliberation, SPO4 Dennis A. Juan and his family stood out as the PNP Model Family of Region 1 having ranked first among six (6) nominees. The other nominees were: SPO4 Erlinda Gagaoin of La Union; PO3 Ador Puntalba and SPO2 Emma Ruth Apostol of Pangasinan; SPO4 Myrna Almadrigo and SPO4 Cesar Ramos of Ilocos Norte.
SPO4 Juan is currently assigned at Ilocos Norte PNP Provincial Office (INPPO) and is regarded by his colleagues as a soft-spoken and generous person. His family exhibited the characteristics befitting a model family. One of their advantages is the community outreach program they initiated as a family which has been sustained for 17 years. Their three (3) children would save money from their allowances to be used in buying school supplies for a group of pupils in their area. They aim to do this until the selected pupils graduate from 6th Grade. Their children also stated that when they finish school, they will continue what their parents have started.
Each nominated family were rated based on: how the parents share their responsibilities in raising their children; how they show their respect for one another in the family; how they uphold moral principles; and how they are able to bring about better change in their community.
Members of the RSC interviewed the nominees and their family, their superiors and co-workers, neighbors, pastors/ priests and local officials to assess which family will be nominated at the national level to vie for the title PNP Model Family.
The RSC is chaired by Ms. Geraldine Ortega of La Union Vibrant Women, Inc., with members composed of representatives from the National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM), the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG), Philippine National Police (PNP) and St. John Bosco College of Northern Luzon.
Members of the committee conducted the on-site validation on May 8, 2017 for La Union; May 10-11, 2017 for Ilocos Norte; and May 15-16, 2017 for Pangasinan.
All the Regional nominees will be awarded in the culmination of the National Crime Prevention Week (NCPW) this coming’ September 2017.
- Nicolette May O. Amon