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DILG R1 conducts Provincial Workshop on the Preparation of LGU Devolution Transition Plan-Part 1

The DILG Region 1, through the Local Government Capacity Development Division (LGCDD) headed by LGCDD Chief Pedro Gonzales is now conducting a Provincial Workshop on the Preparation of LGU Devolution Transition Plan-Part 1 via zoom platform.
This activity is being participated by the Governor’s Office of the four Provincial Governments of the region, Sangguniang Panlalawigan Members, Provincial Devolution Transition Committees and CSO Representatives.
Regional Director Julie J. Daquioag graced the event with her message of appreciation and encouragement to all the participants who are about to prepare their Devolution Transition Plans.
The activity is joined by representatives from the line agencies (NEDA, DENR, DOLE, DA and DSWD) who were assigned as Panel of Reactors and DILG Provincial Directors, Cluster Leaders and Program Managers as facilitators in the workshop proper.



The Project Development and Management Unit (PDMU) of DILG RO1 conducted the activity, Follow Through Activity on FINALIZATION OF MUNICIPAL WATER SUPPLY SANITATION AND HYGIENE MASTER PLAN which aims to deepen the understanding of the participants in the importance of proper planning, handling and management of water supply sanitation and hygiene. This will also train LGUs to complete the baseline data that will be incorporated with the Philippine Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene Plan (PWSSMP).

In her opening remarks, DILG RO1 Regional Director Julie J. Daquioag CESO III, welcomed all participants through a virtual message. She expressed her warm gratitude towards all the Municipal Planning and Development Coordinator, Municipal Engineer, Municipal Health Officer/Rural Sanitary Inspector, LGU Encoder and Municipal Local Government Operation Officer present in the event and her excitement to work with them again.

Moving on to the overview of the training, PDMU Chief Engr. Sharwyn M. Sangel, EnP presented the issues and challenges concerning the water supply and sanitation, contributing to the national and global commitments. She discussed the water sector reforms and initiatives, 8 key roles for MWSSMP, short, medium and long-term targets under the PWSSMP, investment required for the Water Supply and Sanitation (WSS) and the Roles of DILG under Water Supply and Sanitation. Also, she mentioned what the participants may expect and to look forward to during the course of the training.

The activity focuses mainly on the management of Tool 1-8 being used in conducting the assessment to household and the details that are required in the assessment data form. PDMU Engineers; Engr. Andy O. Quiaoit, Engr. Cherry U. Adriano and Engr. Jan Patriz L. Mariano took turns in explaining these tools, elaborating and giving examples in order for the participants to understand and have a broader knowledge to each of the said Tools. They also taught the participants how to input data in the assessment data forms and provided examples of LGU who already accomplished the said assessment data forms. Issues were raised after each tool was discussed and were answered by the PDMU Engineers. At the end of the training, the participants took part in the data input of the assessment data forms and presented their outputs. Participants committed to conduct their own assessment to their respective LGUs to be submitted on or before July 15, 2021. (IO II Dann Ariel S. Genese)


Seminar-Workshop on Operation and Maintenance of Barangay Water and Sanitation Association (BWSA)-Managed Facility

One of the identified priority capacity building needs under sustainability phase of the Water Service Providers is the Operations and Maintenance for Water Supply Projects. In particular, most of the Barangay Water Supply and Sanitation Association (BWSA) managed facilities are not efficiently operated and maintained because of the lack of technical and managerial expertise of barangay officials, BWSA officers and O&M Team. Therefore, the Project Development and Management Unit (PDMU) of DILG RO1 conducted a 3-day seminar- workshop entitled, Seminar-Workshop on Operation and Maintenance of Barangay Water and Sanitation Association (BWSA)-Managed Facility, that aims to enhance the capacity of the LGU Officials and Barangay Water Supply and Sanitation Association (BWSA) in operating and maintaining water supply system. Specifically, this aims to deepen their understanding in the operations and maintenance of the facility.

The activity started with a welcome remark by OIC- Provincial Director Roger P. Daquiaog. Afterwards, Engr. Andres O. Quiaoit asked the participants to introduce themselves and their expectations for the activity. PDMU Chief, Engr. Sharwyn M. Sangel presented the training overview, the methodologies to be used to optimized the learning process such as lectures, workshops, plenary and Focus group discussions. She also presented the different areas that the training will tackle for the operation and maintenance of the BWSA-Managed Facilities and utilities. The concept, and framework governing principles of Human Rights- Based Approach (HRAB) was discussed by Engr. Cristy Faye A. Gasmen of UP College of Engineering followed by Dr. Nelia P. Verzosa, the Characteristic, Roles and Functions of BWSA and Stakeholders. Ms. Elsa D. Mejia, President of Impart Waterworks and Development Company (IWADCO), discussed the HRBA-Community Organizing Process and Local Customers’ Service Code and Other BWSA Documents. The Overview of Water Supply System and Facilities, Tariff Setting and Computation, Billing and Collection and Operation and Maintenance of Water Supply System were discussed by Engr. Benjamin Q. Galvan Jr. and Engr. Eric F. Carpina, OIC- General Manager of Metro San Fernando Water District.


After each topic, training facilitators- Engr. Andres O. Quiaoit, Engr. Cherry U. Adriano and Engr. Jan Patriz L. Mariano of PDMU RO1, facilitated workshops to ensure that the participants understand and gained knowledge regarding the sustainability and maintained water supply system. Before the activity ends, participating LGUs were ask for their commitment for the activities needed to be conducted in their respective municipalities to equip their other BWSA member of the knowledge of organizing and having a sustained and strong BWSA Organization.

By: IO II Dann Ariel S. Genese



Performance review is a central part of the organizational performance management process.  It is vital in supporting a culture of on-going feedback and recognition, and to achieve better business results. In many organizations, annual performance reviews are conducted for their entire workforce. However, more and more organizations are moving toward a frequent feedback performance management system done quarterly, monthly, or even weekly. When done right, performance reviews can help employees understand what they’re doing well, how they can improve, how their work aligns with larger organizational goals, and what is expected of them. With that being said, the Project Development and Management Unit (PDMU) of DILG RO1 hosted its 2021 PDMU Mid-Year Performance Review on DILG LOCAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT FUND PROJECTS which intends to diagnose the progress and performance of the Provincial teams and individual members demonstrated to date, to plan strategies for the remainder of the year to ensure the achievement of 2021 targets and to prepare workable plan for the completion of carry-over projects and submission of lacking documentary requirements.

In her opening remarks, DILG RO1 Regional Director Julie J. Daquioag welcomed the participants present and those who joined via virtual conference. She expressed her warm gratitude to all participants and acknowledged those newly hired employees as part of her welcome speech. Soon after, each provinces presented their progress, performance report, issues and concerns and their action plans for the remainder of the year. It is followed by an update to the SUBAYBAYAN status by its focal person. A workshop was facilitated by the resource speaker, Dr. Ma. Rosalinda M. Lacsamana, former DILG Regional Coordinator. Other part of the activity is the introduction of newly-joined members of PDMU and the creation of vision board which was also facilitated by Dr. Lacsamana. From the Central Office; the Unified Project Management Office (UPMO) gave an update on the Governance Reform Targets particularly LRNDP development, CapDev activities and Budget Utilization of CMGP funds were discussed via Zoom Video Conference. Also, each focal person assigned to different Locally Fund Projects (LFPs) and Capacity Development Projects gave updates to the status of each project, highlighting accomplishments and giving commitments to undergoing and pending projects. PDMU Chief Engr. Sharwyn M. Sangel, EnP gave her insights and recommendations after each presentation. This performance review activity gave the participants a clearer view on where they are and where they are heading in terms of accomplishment, and help them have a better action plan for the rest of the year 2021 through catch-up planning. (IO II Dann Ariel S. Genese)

SPO4 Juan is PNP Model Family in R1

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“To be nominated in the Search for PNP Model Families is already an honor for the uniformed police officers who risk their lives to protect and serve the community.” Regional Director Evangeline R. Almirante of the National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM) emphasized this during the on-site validation conducted by the Regional Search Committee (RSC). She commended the nominees for uplifting the image of police officers as family person and partner in community development.

The Search highlights family values, work ethics, and involvement in activities that promote positive changes in the community. It advocates the capability of police officers as partners in maintaining peace and order towards a more progressive socioeconomic system. It is open to all uniformed members of the PNP with legitimate or legally adopted child/children, legally married and living together with his/her spouse for at least five (5) years, and has been in the police service for at least five (5) years at the time of the Search.

After much deliberation, SPO4 Dennis A. Juan and his family stood out as the PNP Model Family of Region 1 having ranked first among six (6) nominees. The other nominees were: SPO4 Erlinda Gagaoin of La Union; PO3 Ador Puntalba and SPO2 Emma Ruth Apostol of Pangasinan; SPO4 Myrna Almadrigo and SPO4 Cesar Ramos of Ilocos Norte.

SPO4 Juan is currently assigned at Ilocos Norte PNP Provincial Office (INPPO) and is regarded by his colleagues as a soft-spoken and generous person. His family exhibited the characteristics befitting a model family. One of their advantages is the community outreach program they initiated as a family which has been sustained for 17 years. Their three (3) children would save money from their allowances to be used in buying school supplies for a group of pupils in their area. They aim to do this until the selected pupils graduate from 6th Grade. Their children also stated that when they finish school, they will continue what their parents have started.

Each nominated family were rated based on: how the parents share their responsibilities in raising their children; how they show their respect for one another in the family; how they uphold moral principles; and how they are able to bring about better change in their community.

Members of the RSC interviewed the nominees and their family, their superiors and co-workers, neighbors, pastors/ priests and local officials to assess which family will be nominated at the national level to vie for the title PNP Model Family.

The RSC is chaired by Ms. Geraldine Ortega of La Union Vibrant Women, Inc., with members composed of representatives from the National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM), the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG), Philippine National Police (PNP) and St. John Bosco College of Northern Luzon.

Members of the committee conducted the on-site validation on May 8, 2017 for La Union; May 10-11, 2017 for Ilocos Norte; and May 15-16, 2017 for Pangasinan.

All the Regional nominees will be awarded in the culmination of the National Crime Prevention Week (NCPW) this coming’ September 2017.

- Nicolette May O. Amon

News Archive

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1st Quarter FY 2023 Regional Management Committee (RMC) Meeting cum QMS Planning and Management Review cum Regional Selections Board (RSB) Meeting

The Department of the Interior and Local Government R1 conducted its 1st Quarter FY 2023 Regional Management Committee (RMC) Meeting cum QMS Planning and Management Review cum Regional Selections Board (RSB) Meeting on January 15, 2024 at the DILG R1 Training Hall.
The said meeting was attended by the regional division chiefs, assistant division chiefs, provincial directors together with their respective cluster leaders, program managers and selected staff of DILG R1.

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First Joint Regional Task Force 1 to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (JRTF1-ELCAC) Coordination Meeting with Cabinet Officers for Regional Development and Security (CORDS) DAR Sec. Conrado Estrella, III


January 11, 2023 |: The First Joint Regional Task Force 1 to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (JRTF1-ELCAC) Coordination Meeting with Cabinet Officers for Regional Development and Security (CORDS) DAR Sec. Conrado Estrella, III was held at Cozy Place Resort, Rosales Pangasinan.

The activity was attended by the members of the JRTF1-ELCAC Technical Working Group and Cluster Heads. DILG R1 Regional Director Jonathan Paul M. Leusen, Jr., OIC-ARD Paulino G. Lalata, Jr., LGMED Chief Rhodora G. Soriano, and LGOO IV Bernard Victor Ringor also participated the meeting.
The CORDS shall lead the JRTF-ELCAC to oversee the peace and development efforts in every region of the country.
The designated CORDS shall facilitate the management of the Whole-of-Nation Approach and Whole-of-Government participation and shall champion good governance in order to attain inclusive and sustainable peace.

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Seven (7) LGUs and one (1) school were conferred with the beyond compliant Gawad KALASAG seal

DILG Region 1 Director Jonathan Paul M. Leusen, Jr., CESO III together with LGMED Chief Rhodora G. Soriano and LGOO VI Karen C. Castillo attended the 23rd Gawad Kalasag Awarding Ceremony on December 27, 2023 at EM Royale Hotel and Beach Resorts, San Juan, La Union.
Seven (7) LGUs and one (1) school were conferred with the beyond compliant Gawad KALASAG seal, while 72 LGUs were conferred for being fully-compliant.
The DILG serves as the Vice Chair on one of the four thematic areas of Disaster Risk Reduction and Management, namely, Disaster Preparedness.
Gawad KALASAG (KAlamidad at Sakuna LAbanan, SAriling Galing ang Kaligtasan) is an annual recognition for various stakeholders who promote and implement DRRM, climate change adaptation, and humanitarian assistance programs.


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National Youth Summit 2023 and Awarding Ceremony

The DILG R1 through the Local Governments Capability Development Division (LGCDD) hosted today at the Thunderbird Resort the National Youth Summit 2023 and Awarding Ceremony with this year's theme is " Bida ka Kabataan para sa Bagong Pilipinas".
Usec. Felicito Valmocina of Barangay Affairs graced the event as he inspired the SKs and Youth leaders in his keynote message.

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Local Government Capability Development Division (LGCDD) 2023 Year-End Evaluation

Local Government Capability Development Division (LGCDD) hosted its 2023 Year-End Evaluation at EM Royalle, San Juan, La Union.
The purpose of the event is to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the LGCDD's performance in terms of program and project implementation. The evaluation aims to identify areas of improvement, celebrate achievements, and lay the groundwork for enhancing performance in the coming year. The event is structured into three parts:
Part 1: PPA Evaluation Review
Part II: Scaling up the Performance of LGCDD for CY 2024
Part III: Team Building through Teamwork and Boosting Team Performance among LGCDD Personnel
In addition to these evaluation and planning activities, the event will feature a special send-off for LGOO VI Michael Casignia as he embarks on a new role as a Field Officer in the Province of Pangasinan. This will be a moment to acknowledge his contributions and wish him success in his new endeavor.


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Regional Training on the Formulation and Updating of Risk-informed Comprehensive Development Plans (CDPs) using the CDP+ approach

The Regional Training on the Formulation and Updating of Risk-informed Comprehensive Development Plans (CDPs) using the CDP+ approach, coupled with the Integration of the Local Government Unit-Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Planning (LGU-DTP) into the CDP and CDP-DTP Program Review, is currently taking place from November 27 to December 2, 2023, at the Royce Hotel in Clark Freeport Zone, Pampanga.
The training, which is being facilitated by the DILG R1 Local Government Capability Development Division (LGCDD) is specifically designed to capacitate program managers and CDP focal persons with the knowledge and skills necessary to develop and update CDPs using risk-informed approaches and methodologies. By integrating the LGU-DTP into the CDP and CDP-DTP Program Review, participants will gain insights and tools to effectively assess and address risks, vulnerabilities, and opportunities for sustainable development within their localities.
This initiative focuses on strengthening the participants' capacity to proactively plan and prepare for potential risks and challenges, aligning with the broader goal of building resilient and sustainable communities.

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DILG Region 1, through its Project Development and Management Unit (PDMU), proudly held the 3rd Regional SubayBayani Awarding on November 9, 2023, at the esteemed Ynad’s Place Hotel and Resort Inc. in the City of San Fernando, La Union.
This significant event was dedicated to acknowledging the outstanding monitoring and evaluation (M&E) practices as well as the exceptional performance of monitors within the DILG Field Offices and Local Government Units (LGUs) in effectively implementing the Local Government Support Fund (LGSF), Rural Local Infrastructure Program (RLIP) projects, and Responsive Support for the Strengthening of Local Government Units Achievements (RSSA). The awards also served as a tribute to the invaluable contributions and relentless efforts of the LGUs, City/Municipal Local Government Operations Officers, and Provincial Engineers, whose dedication greatly contributed to the overall performance of the Region.
The ceremony was broadcasted live through the DILG Region 1 Official Facebook Page, allowing a wider audience to witness the prestigious event. Attending the awarding were the Local Chief Executives (LCEs) and representatives of the nominated LGUs, accompanied by their respective City/Municipal Local Government Operations Officers (C/MLGOOs).
Furthermore, the event was graced by the presence of the DILG Region 1 Regional Director Jonathan Paul M. Leusen, Jr., Assistant Regional Director Paulino G. Lalata, Jr., Project Development Services-Project Monitoring and Evaluation Division (OPDS-PMED) Chief Engr. Cheryl C. Agustin-Flores, Provincial Directors, heads, and other distinguished officials, emphasizing the significance and wide-reaching impact of the Regional SubayBayani Awarding.
CONGRATULATIONS to all the awardees!
SubayBayaning PLGUs CY 2023 Category
1st Place- Provincial Government of La Union led by HON. RAPHAELLE VERONICA "RAFY" A. Ortega-David
2nd place- Provincial Government of Ilocos Norte led by HON. MATTHEW J MARCOS MANOTOC
3rd place- Provincial Government of Ilocos Sur led by HON. JEREMIAS "JERRY" C. SINGSON
4th place- Provincial Government of Pangasinan led by HON. RAMON V. GUICO III, DPM
SubayBayaning CLGUs 2023 Category and SubayBayaning CLGOOs 2023 Category
1st place- City of Laoag, Ilocos Norte headed by HON. MICHAEL MARCOS KEON
1st place - CLGOO Janette Duarte
2nd place- City of San Fernando, La Union headed by HON. HERMENEGILDO A. GUALBERTO
2nd place-CLGOO Lily Ann O. Colisao
3rd place- City of Batac, Ilocos Norte headed by HON. ALBERT D. CHUA
3rd place- CLGOO Rodel Hilario
Province of Ilocos Norte
SubayBayaning MLGUs 2023 Category and SubayBayaning MLGOOs 2023 Category
1st place- Bayan ng Sarrat sa pangunguna ng Kgg. REMIGIO B. MEDRANO
1st place- MLGOO Maybelle L. Luis
2nd place- Bayan ng Solsona sa pangunguna ng Kgg. JOSEPH E. DE LARA 2nd place- MLGOO Mildred Lea D. Estavillo
3rd place- Bayan ng Dumalneg sa pangunguna ng Kgg. FRANCISCO R. ESPIRITU, JR.
3rd place- MLGOO Kerwin C. Hernando
4th place- Bayan ng Bacarra sa pangunguna ng Kgg. NICOMEDES C. DELA CRUZ, JR.
4th place- MLGOO Antonette Dina J. Arucan
5th place- Bayan ng Marcos sa pangunguna ng Kgg. ANTONIO V. MARIANO
5th place- MLGOO Joey A. Francisco
6th place- Bayan ng Pasuquin sa pangunguna ng Kgg. ROBERT D. AGUINALDO
6th place- MLGOO Flora May F. Agbayani
7th place- Bayan ng Nueva Era sa pangunguna ng Kgg. ATTY. ALDRIN R. GARVIDA
7th place- MLGOO Arnel L. Antonio
8th place- Bayan ng Piddig sa pangunguna ng Kgg. GEORGINA S. GUILLEN
8th place- MLGOO Ana Belle A. Ibañez
9th place- Bayan ng Currimao sa pangunguna ng Kgg. EDWARD T. QUILALA
9th place- MLGOO Eden Consuelo A. Lara
10th place-Bayan ng Bangui sa pangunguna ng Kgg. FIDEL A. CIMATU, JR.
10th place- MLGOO Jaime Gregory I. Espina III
Province of Ilocos Sur
SubayBayaning MLGUs 2023 Category and SubayBayaning MLGOOs 2023 Category
1st place- Bayan ng Galimuyod sa pangunguna ng Kgg. JESSIE B. BALINGSAT
1st place- MLGOO Raquel S. Lelina
2nd place- Bayan ng Santa sa pangunguna ng Kgg. JESUS B. BUENO, JR.
2nd place- MLGOO Bradford F. Burgonio
3rd place- Bayan ng Sigay sa pangunguna ng Kgg. CARLO CRISANTO P. PEREDO
3rd place- MLGOO Leilanie May M. Aguilar
4th place- Bayan ng Santa Catalina sa pangunguna ng Kgg. EDGAR R. RAPANUT, CPA
4th place- MLGOO Alvin L. Navarro
5th place- Bayan ng Bantay sa pangunguna ng Kgg. SAMUEL C. PARILLA
5th place- MLGOO Randel Jason D. Padua
6th place- Bayan ng Santa Lucia sa pangunguna ng Kgg. JOSEPH SIMON B. VALDEZ
6th place- MLGOO Imelda J. Ordoño
7th place- Bayan ng San Esteban sa pangunguna ng Kgg. RAY M. ELAYDO II
7th place- MLGOO Russel O. De Peralta
8th place- Bayan ng San Juan sa pangunguna ng Kgg. MA. ELAINE A. SARMIENTO
8th place- MLGOO Amado P. Tabin
9th place- Bayan ng Alilem sa pangunguna ng Kgg. VELMOR P. SUMABAT
9th place- MLGOO Fema B. Manabeng
10th place- Bayan ng Cervantes sa pangunguna ng Kgg. PABLITO BENJAMIN P. MAGGAY II
10th place- MLGOO Narciso B. Edal
Province of La Union
SubayBayaning MLGUs 2023 Category and SubayBayaning MLGOOs 2023 Category
1st place- Bayan ng Pugo sa pangunguna ng Kgg. Kurt Walter M. Martin
1st place- MLGOO Francisco C. Tuazon III
2nd place- Bayan ng Santol sa pangunguna ng Kgg. Magno A. Wailan
2nd place- MLGOO Luzviminda A. Lopez
3rd place- Bayan ng Bacnotan sa pangunguna ng Kgg. Divina A. Fontanilla
3rd place- MLGOO Alona Lyn V. Garcia
4th place- Bayan ng Bauang sa pangunguna ng Kgg. Eulogio Clarence Martin P. De Guzman III
4th place- MLGOO Helen L. Jubilado
5th place- Bayan ng Rosario sa pangunguna ng Kgg. Bellarmin A. Flores II
5th place- MLGOO Eufemia P. Apostol
6th place- Bayan ng Naguilian sa pangunguna ng Kgg. Nieri T. Flores
6th place- MLGOO Flory Ann O. Estioco
7th place- Bayan ng Aringay sa pangunguna ng Kgg. Benjamin O. Sibuma
7th place- MLGOO Krishan Faye G. Biason
8th place- Bayan ng Santo Tomas sa pangunguna ng Kgg. Severino C. Carbonell
8th place- MLGOO Iszel O. Guray
9th place- Bayan ng Luna sa pangunguna ng Kgg. Gary N. Pinzon
9th place- former MLGOO Jushua JJ C. Ganaden and the current MLGOO Olivia Mae N. De Guzman
10th place- Bayan ng Agoo sa pangunguna ng Kgg. Frank O. Sibuma
10th- MLGOO Francisco A. Vergara
Province of Pangasinan
SubayBayaning MLGUs 2023 Category and SubayBayaning MLGOOs 2023 Category
1st place- Bayan ng Pozorrubio sa pangunguna ng Kgg. KELVIN TONG CHAN
1st place- MLGOO Edda Joie D. Lubrin
2nd place- Bayan ng Asingan sa pangunguna ng Kgg. CARLOS FRANADA LOPEZ JR.
2nd place- MLGOO Catherine D. Velasquez
3rd place- Bayan ng Mangatarem sa pangunguna ng Kgg. RAMIL P. VENTENILLA
3rd place- MLGOO Maricel A. Sison
4th place- Bayan ng Burgos sa pangunguna ng Kgg. JESSTER ALLAN B. VALENZUELA
4th place- MLGOO Editha C. Soriano
5th place- Bayan ng Tayug sa pangunguna ng Kgg. TYRONE D. AGABAS
5th place- MLGOO Arianne B. Peralta
6th place- Bayan ng Agno sa pangunguna ng Kgg. GUALBERTO R. SISON
6th place- MLGOO Princess Eliza C. Caranay
7th place- Bayan ng Sison sa pangunguna ng Kgg. DANILO CHUA UY
7th place- MLGOO Irene V. Ingalla
8th place- Bayan ng Umingan sa pangunguna ng Kgg. MICHAEL CARLEONE M. CRUZ
8th place- MLGOO Jennifer C. Reyes
9th place- Bayan ng Balungao sa pangunguna ng Kgg. MARIA THERESA R. PERALTA
9th place- MLGOO Analyn C. Cuyop
10th place- Bayan ng Aguilar sa pangunguna ng Kgg. KRISTAL B. SORIANO
10th place- MLGOO Norberto L. Macaraeg, Jr.
SubayBayaning Best DILG Provincial Office 2023
1st Place -DILG La Union led by Provincial Director Reggie R. Colisao
2nd place- DILG Ilocos Norte led by OIC-Provincial Director Atty. Gerald D. Gallardo
3rd place- DILG Ilocos Sur led by Provincial Director Randy S. Dela Rosa
4th place- DILG Pangasinan led by Provincial Director Virgilio P. Sison

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DILG Region 1 conducted a back-to-back Regional Awarding for the 2023 Lupong Tagapamayapa Incentive Awards (LTIA) and 2023 Local Legislative Award (LLA): PArangal Ng mga DAlubhasa at MahuhusaY na Sanggunian (PANDAY Sanggunian) on November 9, 2023, at Ynad’s Place Hotel and Resort, City of San Fernando, La Union.

The LTIA is a system of granting economic benefits and other incentives to Lupong Tagapamayapa that demonstrates exemplary performance in the implementation of the KP Law and its objectives.
On the other hand, the LLA is an award that recognizes the exemplary performance of city and municipal Sanggunians for legislating measures that help build the foundation of meaningful local administration and development.
Congratulations to all the Awardees!
Independent/Component Cities Category
Regional Winner: Barangay Pantal, Dagupan City, Pangasinan
1st Runner-up: Barangay 1 San Lorenzo, Laoag City, Ilocos Norte
2nd Runner-up: Barangay San Agustin, City of San Fernando, La Union
3rd Runner-up: Barangay Darapidap, Candon City, Ilocos Sur
1st-3rd Class Municipalities Category
Regional Winner: Barangay Al-Alinao Norte, Naguilian, La Union
1st Runner-up: Barangay Nibaliw Narvarte, San Fabian, Pangasinan
2nd Runner-up: Barangay Dili, Sta. Cruz, Ilocos Sur
3rd Runner-up: Barangay Badio, Pinili, Ilocos Norte
4th-6th Class Municipalities Category
Regional Winner: Barangay Batchelor West, Natividad, Pangasinan
1st Runner-up: Barangay Butol, Santiago, Ilocos Sur
2nd Runner-up: Barangay Gana, Caba, La Union
3rd Runner-up: Barangay Saud, Pagudpud, Ilocos Norte
***2023 LLA: PANDAY Sanggunian***
Component Cities Category
Regional Winner: City of San Fernando, La Union
1st Runner-up: Batac City, Ilocos Norte
2nd Runner-up: Alaminos City, Pangasinan
3rd Runner-up: Vigan City, Ilocos Sur
1st-3rd Class Municipalities Category
Regional Winner: Naguilian, La Union
1st Runner-up: Mangaldan, Pangasinan
2nd Runner-up: San Juan, Ilocos Sur
3rd Runner-up: Pinili, Ilocos Norte
4th-6th Class Municipalities Category
Regional Winner: Marcos, Ilocos Norte
1st Runner-up: Suyo, Ilocos Sur
2nd Runner-up: Santol, La Union
3rd Runner-up: Basista, Pangasinan
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