
LGRRC 1 conducts Library Management Orientation for DILG R1 Personnel

The Local Governance Regional Resource Center 1 (LGRRC) thru the Multimedia and Knowledge Facility in partnership with the St. Louis College (SLC), City of San Fernando, La Union conducted the Orientation on Library Management for DILG RO1 Personnel on April 21, 2022.

Resource Speakers were Ms. Ligaya N. Caranay, Mr. Michael John C. Batuang, and Mr. Kenneth Mare C. Gangey, Registered Librarians from the SLC. The topics discussed include the Library Objectives, Vision and Mission, Administration and Human Resources; Collection, Management and Organization, and Services; Information Technology-Based Services and Collaboration.

Regional Director Julie J. Daquioag, in her message, extended her gratitude to the SLC management for such another meaningful engagement that will surely support the LGRRC’s knowledge management and sharing strategies. RD Daquioag added that there is a need to update the LGRRC 1 Library as well as skills of the members in order to catch-up with the current advancements. This will also enable the DILG R1 to efficiently and effectively deliver its services to its clients.

The orientation was attended by the LGRRC1 Team Members from the Regional and Provincial Offices.

Participants of the said activity are now equipped with the basic concepts in Library and Information Science and on how to manage information resources in print, non-print, electronic, and digital formats. Part of the discussions also enabled the participants to be aware on how to properly organize, conserve, and preserve information objects, documents, and other intellectual properties.

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