First Joint Regional Task Force 1 to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (JRTF1-ELCAC) Coordination Meeting with Cabinet Officers for Regional Development and Security (CORDS) DAR Sec. Conrado Estrella, III
January 11, 2023 |: The First Joint Regional Task Force 1 to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (JRTF1-ELCAC) Coordination Meeting with Cabinet Officers for Regional Development and Security (CORDS) DAR Sec. Conrado Estrella, III was held at Cozy Place Resort, Rosales Pangasinan.
The activity was attended by the members of the JRTF1-ELCAC Technical Working Group and Cluster Heads. DILG R1 Regional Director Jonathan Paul M. Leusen, Jr., OIC-ARD Paulino G. Lalata, Jr., LGMED Chief Rhodora G. Soriano, and LGOO IV Bernard Victor Ringor also participated the meeting.
The CORDS shall lead the JRTF-ELCAC to oversee the peace and development efforts in every region of the country.
The designated CORDS shall facilitate the management of the Whole-of-Nation Approach and Whole-of-Government participation and shall champion good governance in order to attain inclusive and sustainable peace.