
Brief History

The Local Governance Resource Center was established in select DILG Regional Offices in 2005 with support from the Canadian International Agency (CIDA). Since then, the Local Goverment Academy had undertaken crucial steps in consolidating and sharing the wealth of knowledge and information on local governance. With the implementation of the "Strengthening Local Governance Resource Centers (LGRCs) as Harmonizing Mechanism for Effective Local Governance in the Philippine Project" (from August 2009 until August 2013) which was supported by the European Commission, the LGRCs were further strengthened and positioned in a more strategic role. 

To date, there are 17 Regional LGRCs nationwide. The LGRCs are continuously undertaking innovations and improvements on human resource development and management; website development; documentation of LGU best practices; knowledge on local economic development, disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation; information systems and development; LGU profiling; monitoring and evaluation; and acquisition of knowledge products.