
Provision of Legal Opinion

Duration: 5 – 15 Days*

Responsible Division: Legal Unit

Service Description: Provision of Legal Opinion on local governance administration and related concerns

Who May avail: Local Officials, functionaries and citizens


  1. Original copy of the written request
  2. Relevant documents on the request, if any

Availability of Service: Monday to Friday, 8 am to 5 pm (No Noon break)

Fees: No payment required

How to avail of the Service:



(5 – 15* DAYS)


1. Submits query together with relevant documents, if any

1. Receiving clerk (stamp RECEIVED), records and forwards the documents to ORD. RUBY CATHERINE A. APILADO / FRANCISCO P.   FABIE 1 hour
2. ORD receives and records query and routes it to the ORD- Legal Unit. ELVIN JAKE  R. EMPLEO / JULIE ANN B. QUILATES
3. Legal Unit acts/ research on the query and prepares legal opinion for endorsement to DILG-CO or direct to the client. ATTY. JOSEPH O. APOLONIO 5 days
4. RD signs legal opinion or endorsement. REGIONAL DIRECTOR / ASSISTANT REGIONAL DIRECTOR / In-Charge of Office 1 hour
2. Receives update from RO 5. Records personnel logs and releases legal opinion or endorsement. RUBY CATHERINE A. APILADO / FRANCISCO P.   FABIE 1 hour

*5 days – Simple cases; 15 days – Complex cases