
IMG 7949

Malacañan hails Santo Tomas, La Union as Child-Friendly

President Rodrigo Duterte awarded Santo Tomas in La Union along with other LGUs in the awarding ceremony for the 2018 Presidential Award for Child-Friendly Municipalities and Cities (PACMFC) at the Malacañan Palace on November 28, 2019.President Rodrigo Duterte awarded Santo Tomas in La Union along with other LGUs in the awarding ceremony for the 2018 Presidential Award for Child-Friendly Municipalities and Cities (PACMFC) at the Malacañan Palace on November 28, 2019.Santo Tomas, La Union bagged the presidential award for child-friendly fourth to sixth class municipality category besting municipalities of Sapian in Capiz, Silago in Southern Leyte and Datu Saudi Ampatuan in Maguindanao. 

Short-listed in the regional and national level, Santo Tomas was validated by members of the National Awards Committee on May 28-31, 2019. Both the DILG Regional Office I and La Union had prepared the LGU in its bid for the presidential award. The 4-day validation activity involved assessment of physical facilities and documentary review in the LGU as well as three selected barangays. Key informant interviews were also conducted.

The LGU’s best practices were highlighted during the validation where they had institutionalized child center set-up at the LGU’s reception area where their clients’ children may play and read books while completing their transactions. Moreover, play and reading area in the evacuation center was set-up, and relief items such as milk, diaper and bathing materials are stockpiled.Barangays Patac, Ubagan and Casilagan in Santo Tomas, La Union were also validated specifically their Day Care facilities, Health records maintained by barangay health workers, play and reading area, programs for youth and children, LCPC Plans, crafted Comprehensive Emergency Program for Children (CEPC) and developed Comprehensive Local Juvenile Intervention Program (CLJIP).

“The LGU maximized their collaboration practices where the barangays are really cooperative and they initiate in improving their programs,” said Santo Tomas MLGOO Iszel O. Guray. 
“The Mayor and the LGU is supportive and considers suggestions and recommendations from its stakeholders while the Local Council for the Protection of Children (LCPC) in the municipality and barangays are really pro-active,” added MLGOO Guray.

As part of their sustainability efforts, Santo Tomas conducts functionality assessment every first quarter of the year to include children and youth programs, and LCPC.  These allows the municipality to highlight strengths and work on opportunities for improvement

“We will continue to serve our people without being repaid. It is a tough job but it brings joy in our hearts to see our constituents happy and contented with our service,” expressed by Santo Tomas Mayor Severino Carbonell. (LGOO VI Iszel  O. Guray and LGOO II Hedrich V. Calderon)